Listen! Nerve cells flexibly adapt to acoustic signals (PRESS RELEASE)
Lehnert et al. The Journal of Neuroscience
Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience - Research News
Listen! Nerve cells flexibility adapt to acoustic signals
Depending on the input signal, neurons generate action potentials either near or far away from the cell body, as researcher from Munich predict (April 2014).
How nerve cells flexibly adapt to acoustic signals: Depending on the input signal, neurons generate action potentials either near or far away from the cell body. This flexibility improves our ability to localize sound sources.
LMU PRESS RELEASE Neurowissenschaft (in German)
LMU-Forscher zeigen, wie sich Nervenzellen akustischen Signalen flexibel anpassen: Je nach Eingangssignal generieren Neurone Aktionspotenziale nah oder entfernt vom Zellkörper. Diese Flexibilität verbessert unsere Fähigkeit, Schallquellen zu lokalisieren.
The Journal of Neuroscience
Action Potential Generation in an Anatomically Constrained Model of Medial Superior Olive Axons
Lehnert S et al. J Neurosci 2014 34: 530-5384